War Of Being
War Of Being - Mix tutorial
My latest tutorial covers how I approached the mix of TesseracT’s new album War Of Being. The 4+ hour video includes…
Drum processing. Covering kick, snare, toms, overheads, rooms, reverbs, the use of triggers for reinforcement & drum buss processing.
Bass distortion.
Rhythm Guitars including how I add articulation with support crunch tones.
Some creative FX “WishWash” effects used throughout most TesseracT albums.
Clean/slap Bass to be added upon album release (It will be added as a free update as an unreleased song is used as an example).
Mixbus/mastering approach for adding excitement to the mix.
Limiter & clipper use and how to achieve a loud result without the limiter working too hard.
Adding weight and fatness to the drum buss with saturation and compression.
Use of gated reverb to add weight to snare. It’s a bit 80’s…but just use a dash of it!
Mixing bass distortion.
War Of Being Tutorial
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Middlefarm & Sphere Drum Samples
War Of Being Snare One Shots